I thought I would start a thread where folks can share links to digital texts and ebooks. Most valuable would be links to pdf copies of pricey tomes, but also good would be any relevant papers freely available on interwebs. I'll get things rolling—
First, if you please, a pair of Lacan-bombs (constant members of my travelling library):
Bruce Fink - A Clinical Introduction To Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Bruce Fink has the quite uncanny ability to render Lacanian theory in shocking clarity. In this he is similar to Zizek, despite being less crowd-pleasing. Fink is a godsend for those constantly frustrated by the LACK of real, pure Lacanian theory in the work of Zizek, who seems to mostly be interested in Lacan as a springboard for his own explorations-- not that that's a bad thing. I definitely recommend this as a particularly solid starting point.. a clinical base from which one may better understand the more theoretical abstractions.
LINKThe Seminar of Jacques Lacan Vol. XI- The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis
Despite its inviting title, this book is not a particularly easy introduction to either Lacan or psychoanalysis; nevertheless it is a great book, perhaps to be approached after the Fink, or at least after some basic Freud. One can spend hours on the first chapter alone, which contains this immensely elegant reductive definition of the unconscious: "...what the unconscious does is to show us the gap through which neurosis recreates harmony with a real—a real that may well not be determined."
LINKSome more generally appealing fare:
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Massive reference with OVER 9000 pages of informations, somehow shrunk down to just over 50 MB.
LINKThe Routledge History of Philosophy
Massive historical overview with OVER 4500 pages of informations.. 10 volumes, from "Beginning to Plato" to "Philosophy of Meaning, Knowledge and Value in the 20th Century."
LINKAnd finally, some Cambridge Companions for Cold Winter Nights:
Cambridge Companion to German Idealism
Cambridge Companion to Heidegger
Cambridge Companion to Hegel
Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard
Cambridge Companion to Marx
Cambridge Companion to William James
Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein
Cambridge Companion to Gadamer
Cambridge Companion to Critical Theory
LINKAnd one non-philosophy text, concerning my current literary/intellectual preoccupation, Mr. Ezra Pound:
The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia